
A series of "lasts"

I'm celebrating a series of "lasts". My last baby to nurse, my last toddler to potty train, the last student I teach to read in our home school, my last seminary class to teach. Today, my "baby" who will soon be seven, learned to ride a two wheeler. He is a funny bird, ferocious and determined in books and learning but tentative in physical matters. He was almost afraid as he pedaled the tiny 12 inch bicycle (which he dwarfed) around our driveway, wibbly wobbly and tottering. But like all things, as he practiced and gained proficiency, his confidence grew. As the street lights came on, he begged for more time to ride and waited for Dad to come home, so he could proudly demonstrate his accomplishment. When I finally brought him in for bath time he was one tired, contented kid. Another "last"- and we are grateful. It is said that for every window that closes, a door is opened. It fascinates me to observe all of the new doors ahead. Yes, we

Remember Pepper's Adventures in Time?

When computers were new, and my children still little, we had this cute little DOS program called "Pepper's Adventures in Time". It was supposedly educational (which is why I allowed them to play it...that and I was looking for a break in schoolwork myself) and simply fun. Pepper traveled through time looking for treasures and collecting them. I chose the name for this blog, Troy and Beth's Adventures in Time, with the same thought in mind. I am temporarily here in 'time' with my forever sweetheart, looking for treasures and collecting them. We have treasures all around us, and as I find or experience them, it is my plan to record them here.